SCCER-SoE Annual Conference 2016 – Hydropower and Geo-Energy in Switzerland – Challenges and Prospects

Wann? / Quand ?
09:50 - 18:00

Wo? / Où ?
HES-SO Valais-Wallis, School of Engineering, Aula "François-Xavier Bagnoud"

On the first day of the SCCER-SoE Annual Conference 2016, everything revolves around hydropower. On the second day, we focus on geo-energy.

Both mornings are dedicated to lectures about the developments and milestones of the numerous SCCER-SoE research projects. The language will be mainly English. Over lunch, a poster exhibition offers the opportunity to further delve into the topic and exchange views.

Monday afternoon will be under the theme of „hydropower southwestern Switzerland“. First, the SCCER-SoE points out how the hydropower targets of the Energy Strategy 2050 can be reached. Then, during a panel discussion, representatives from industry, politics, research and federal offices will illustrate their views on the current situation. The contributions will be held in German and / or French and simultaneously translated into English.

On Tuesday afternoon, the topic „geothermal energy in Switzerland“ will be viewed in a broader context and discussed at a round table by representatives from industry, politics, and federal offices. The language will be mainly English.

More Details and registration here.

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